mantis 사용자 계정 설정 tip

config-defaults_inc.php 파일 수정

# --- signup ----------------------

 # allow users to signup for their own accounts.
 # Mail settings must be correctly configured in order for this to work
 $g_allow_signup   = OFF;

 # Max. attempts to login using a wrong password before lock the account.
 # When locked, it's required to reset the password (lost password)
 # Value resets to zero at each successfully login
 # Set to OFF to disable this control
 $g_max_failed_login_count = OFF;

 # access level required to be notified when a new user has been created using the "signup form"
 $g_notify_new_user_created_threshold_min = ADMINISTRATOR;

 # if ON users will be sent their password when reset.
 # if OFF the password will be set to blank. If set to ON, mail settings must be
 # correctly configured.
 $g_send_reset_password = OFF;
이 부분을 수정해 주면, 계정 등록시 메일로 전송하지 않고 입력받아서 처리한다.

Posted by 시티락